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World Environmental Day on 05.06.2024

World Environmental Day on 05.06.2024

World Environmental Day is the biggest international day for the environment. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and held annually since 1973, it has grown to be the largest global platform for environmental outreach. It is celebrated by millions of people across the world.

Theme: Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience

On June 05, 2024 World Environmental Day  Dr. S. Rajeshwar Rao, Principal, Government Medical College, Khammam along with the faculty and staff planted new saplings in Departments and College Premises and gives it a green makeover.

ANTI LEPROSY DAY Conducted on January 30th, 2024

ANTI LEPROSY DAY Conducted on January 30th, 2024

World Leprosy Day is observed internationally every year on the last Sunday of January to increase the public awareness of leprosy or Hansen’s Disease. This date was chosen by French humanitarian Raoul Follereau as a tribute to the life of Mahatma Gandhi who had compassion for people afflicted with leprosy.

In this view, the Government Medical College, Khammam conducted awareness program on World Leprosy Day with Department of DVL with Medical Superintendent, Government General Hospital, Khammam and 1st MBBS Students of GMC.

FRESHERS DAY PARTY on January 11th, 2024

FRESHERS DAY PARTY on January 11th, 2024

Dr. S. Rajeshwar Rao, Principal, Government Medical College, Khammam organize fresher’s Day Party.  The main aim of this party is to give an affectionate welcome to new students. Such parties instill confidence in students and enhance their creativity.  It is accompanied by so many exciting events and programs like ramp walk, traditional, fusion, and modern dances, breathtaking singing performances, and splendid decoration, thus making it a soulful experience.

On this day Chief Guests Sri. V.P Gautham IAS, District Collector & Magistrate, Khammam, Sri. Adarsh Surabhi IAS, Muncipal Commissioner, Khammam are attended for this party. Medical Superintendent, Dy. Medical Superintendents, RMOs and Government Medical College/Government General Hospital Faculty and staff attended.

1st Year MBBS Students welcomes Sri. V. P Gautham IAS., District Collector & Magistrate, Khammam.


Sri Adharsh Surabhi IAS Speech on the importance of freshers day and motivates everyone to achieve their goals in future



Prize distribution by Sri V.P Gautham IAS District Collector & Dr. S. Rajeshwar Rao, Principal, Government Medical College, Khammam


               Sports & Cultural Activities performances by 1st Year MBBS Students in Freshers Day






Government Medical College conducting Family Adoption Program (FAP) under Department of  community Medicine at Mangalagudem village, Khammam Rural , Khammam District with 1st year MBBS Students of Academic year 2023-24.

As part of Academic Training the MBBS Students visited the Primary Health Centre (M. Venkatayapalem) Khammam rural, under the supervision of Health Educators, the MBBS Students provided services to the people.


Students interacting with families as a part of FAP





As a part of Family Adoption Program (FAP) Department of Community Medicine has organized a Rally and Health Camp on the theme “Seasonal Diseases” in the village of Mangalagudem  organised a rally on seasonal diseases such as malaria, dengue, fever, cholera, chicken pox and few transmitted diseases on  22.06.2024 and urged the villagers to adopt preventive measures such as keep the surroundings clean, maintaining personal hygiene, consuming homemade foods and drinking boiled water etc.

Plantation by the 1st Year MBBS students at Mangalagudem village as a part of Family Adoption Program (FAP)



Cadaveric Oath is a pledge that a medical student takes before touching the cadaver in the dissection hall.  The oath emphases on proper handling with the cadaver, paying tribute to the soul and to knot the idea of empathy in the young medicos minds.



The Hippocratic Oath is one of the oldest and most widely known codes of ethics. The original text a Greek physician commonly credited with beginning the practice of medicine as a rational science.